Adding Products to your Wishlist

To add an item to a Wishlist click on the provided Add to Wishlist button or link. If you do not have a wishlist already one will automatically be created for you and the item will be added to it. If you already have a list you will be shown a popup which allows you to select which list you would like to add the item to. If you want to add the item to a new Wishlist, you can choose to create a new wishlist and add the item all in one step.

If you are not logged in your list will be created as a temporary list. Temporary lists are based on cookies and will be available only on the same computer and browser you used when the item was created. If you clear your cookies, or the cookie has expired your list will no longer be accessible. If you do add items to a temporary list you can always logon and the lists will automatically saved to your account. Once a list has been saved to your account, it will remain until you delete it.

Removing Products to your Wishlist

You can remove/manage products from your wishlists from two different sections of the site. You can navigate to the β€œWishlists” page and access all your lists. If you are logged into your account on the site you will see the wishlists available from your β€œMy Account” page.

To modify a list you have already created click on the title of the list. This will bring you to the β€œManage List Page”.

From this page you can view and manage the items in your list, and change the sharing and basic Wishlist information. The actions available to you are:

  • Add to Cart – Adds all the selected items to the cart.
  • Remove From List – This will remove the selected items from your list.
  • Create a New List – This action will take you to the create a list screen. After you create a new list, the items you previously selected will be added to the list and removed from the original.

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